Enhancing User Security and Usability with Graphical Password Authentication

Dhriti Misra
2 min readJan 30, 2023


Graphical Password Authentication is a method of authentication that uses visual representations such as images, patterns or sketches instead of text-based passwords. This type of authentication provides a more user-friendly and secure way of logging into an account.

Problem Statement for Graphical Password Authentication:

The current text-based password system has several security vulnerabilities, including weak passwords, password reuse, and dictionary attacks. This makes it imperative to find a more secure and user-friendly authentication method. The problem is to design a system that uses visual representations such as images, patterns, or sketches instead of text-based passwords to enhance the security of the authentication process. The system should also provide features such as user registration, password reset, email functionality, block function, and notification on multiple failed attempts to increase the usability and security of the authentication process.


  1. Registered User Data Saved in the Database: The system saves the data of registered users in a database for future use.
  2. User Registration: If the user is not registered, they can create a new account by registering themselves.
  3. Login Using Different Images: Users can log into their account using different images instead of text-based passwords.
  4. Reset Password Function: In case the user forgets their password, the system can send a password reset link to the user’s email.
  5. Email Functionality: The system provides email functionality for sending notifications, password reset links, etc.
  6. Block Function: If the user tries to log in multiple times with the wrong password, the system will block the user and notify them of the failed attempts.


  1. User-friendly: Graphical Password Authentication provides a more user-friendly and intuitive way of logging into an account.
  2. Increased Security: Visual representations are more secure than text-based passwords as they are difficult to guess or crack.
  3. Easy to Remember: Users can easily remember the images used as passwords, reducing the risk of forgetting their password.

In conclusion, Graphical Password Authentication is a modern and secure method of authentication that provides a user-friendly and intuitive way of logging into an account.

